The short answer is - yes.
Just because you have diabetes does not mean you can't qualify for life insurance, but here's the truth:
Does it limit your options? Yes.
Does it cost more? Most likely.
How much your premiums will be will likely depend on the details of your condition, including:
What type of diabetes you have (Type-1 puts you at greater risk, so premiums will likely be higher)
How long you've had diabetes
How severe your symptoms are
If you have other pre-existing conditions
How you manage your condition (using insulin, monitoring blood sugar)
The higher cost in life insurance as a diabetic shouldn't steer you away from buying it. In fact - it should do the opposite.
It's important to remember that life insurance is a product you buy to protect the ones you love.
You can purchase two types of life insurance: term insurance, and permanent life insurance.
You don't need to purchase a large amount of coverage - just enough to cover your final expenses, and any other smaller debts you may have.
The first step in applying for life insurance starts with a conversation with your insurance broker.
If you don't have one, you're more than welcome to give me a call!
Thanks for reading,